Top live matches sorted by highest predictability of a goal after 20 minutes in first half. Match selection based on statistics archive, weather reports and live stats.
Live catcher tool searches in football databases for matches that have high probability to score a goal (20-45min).
During the first 20 minutes Live matches are sorted according to statistical data and converted to points.
If it gains 14 points or more (right side) until the 21st minute, match greys out and indicates a high probability of either team to score in the first half.
If there is a goal in the first 20 minutes the match drops at the bottom of the list and is no longer relevant to the system.
There has to be more than 25 matches starting at same time in order to appear in the Live Catcher.
There may be no selected matches if 14 points are not reached.
Calculated predictability points are based on historical stats:
- Calculated Goals average (between 20 and 45 minutes) of previous and current seasons of both match teams
- Number of seasons stats available
- Head to Head’s last 6 matches goals average in the First Half
- Difference between teams in the current league table
Weather report:
- Weather type: Rain, Clouds etc
- Humidity
- Wind Speed
Live statistics during the match:
- Both teams shots
- Both teams dangerous attacks
- Both teams corners
Selected matches will be in the list until the end of the event. No need to follow the guide entirely, make your own predictions from Live Catch stats as they occur.